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Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons Offers Workers‘ Compensation Help The attorneys at Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons stand up for Oklahoma workers who are having difficulty obtaining workers’ compensation benefits after suffering job-related injuries or developing occupational illnesses. Is Oklahoma City a “No-Fault,” Worker’s Comp State? Workers’ compensation is a no-fault…

Oklahomans who rely on the state’s healthcare system may not be surprised that it achieves a low ranking in a recent study, but a study author’s comment to the press drives the extent of the problem home. “Oklahoma and Mississippi stand out for poor performance even among poor performing states,”…

  There are many complexities involved with the application process for obtaining Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Because of these challenges, our SSDI Lawyers have provided the most important steps to get started in an effort to help simplify the application process overall. One qualification factor, in particular, that…

Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons, one of Oklahoma’s most established disability law firms, is pleased to announce that they have secured a large award of back benefits for another of their Social Security disability clients. The award was obtained by senior attorney, Philip D. Ryan, who oversees all of the…

Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons, one of Oklahoma’s most established disability law firms, is pleased to announce that the firm has been named the Boutique Social Security Disability Law Firm of the Year in Oklahoma by The award is based upon recommendations from independent law firms, in-house counsel, individual…