man with knee pain - temporary total disability benefits

Did you suffer an injury on the job in Oklahoma? If so, you could be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits to cover your medical expenses and a portion of your wages. Furthermore, you could be eligible for temporary total disability benefits depending on the severity of your injury. What are temporary total disability benefits? How does a person qualify, and how can a workers’ comp attorney help with the process?

What Are Temporary Total Disability Benefits in Workers’ Compensation?

Oklahoma’s workers’ compensation benefits provide temporary total disability (TTD) to an employee who temporarily cannot perform their work-related duties due to a workplace injury or illness.

Do I Qualify for Temporary Total Disability Benefits in Oklahoma?

To qualify for TTD benefits in Oklahoma, an employee’s workplace injury or illness must prevent the employee from performing their job or any alternative work offered by their employer. The employee’s accrued sick leave, annual leave, or any other leave is typically used for the first three consecutive days off work due to the injury or illness before TTD benefits apply.

How to Calculate Temporary Total Disability Payments

Oklahoma temporary total disability benefits compensate for 70 percent of the injured employee’s average weekly wage, not to exceed 100 percent of the state’s average weekly wage. However, the amount may differ based on when the injury occurred. The state updates its maximum weekly compensation rates annually based on wage and economic factors.

How Long Does Temporary Total Disability Last?

TTD payments are only temporary and may not exceed 156 weeks. However, payments may continue for an additional 52 weeks for a total weekly limitation of 208 weeks if the injured employee is diagnosed with a consequential injury and extra time is needed to recover. The state limits temporary total disability payments to eight weeks for soft tissue injuries and six weeks for employees diagnosed with hernias. TTD benefits may be paid for an additional 16 weeks if an injured employee is recommended for surgery. A further eight weeks may apply if the employee receives an injection or injections.

Mental injury total temporary disability benefits are limited to 26 weeks unless convincing medical evidence demonstrates the state should extend benefits. Mental injury or illness TTD benefits cannot exceed 52 weeks.

Contact Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys for Help with Temporary Total Disability Benefits

Securing the Oklahoma workers’ compensation benefits that you deserve can be challenging. If a work-related illness or injury prevents you from returning to your job, contact an experienced Oklahoma workers’ compensation benefits attorney today. At Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons, we will take the time to review the facts of your case and help you identify and apply for the benefits you need. We can also advocate for your rights if you’ve had your workers’ comp temporary disability claim denied.

For over 30 years, the knowledgeable workers’ compensation lawyers at Ryan Bisher Ryan & Simons have helped injured workers like you. Contact our office today to request a free and confidential legal consultation.

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